Hotel Hacienda El Santiscal | Services and Facilities
Hotel Services Hacienda El Santiscal
- Air conditioned
- Aparcamiento descubierto
- Free Parking
- Bar/Snack/Café
- Safe box at reception
- Heating
- Currency Exchange
- Fireplaces
- Cybercafe
- Adventurous Sport
- Breakfast (Buffet, Contintental and A la Carte)
- Fax
- Laundry
- Personal Trainer (with date)
- Swimming Pool
- Masseur (date)
- Catering
- Restaurant (Menu and Carte)
- Room service parcial
- Security 24h.
- Trekking and Footing
- Payable Transfer
- Transfer No free
- Cultural Visits and Trips
- Free Wifi
- Garden Area
- Reading room
Other facilities include a dining room, arbour with private window, reading room with fireplace, garden and swimming pool, terraces, direct access to the lake, central Andalusian-style patio, bar, parking, and all surrounded by a large area of land, sunflower and wheat fields and olive groves.
Room Services Hotel Hacienda El Santiscal
- Amenities
- Safe
- Heating
- Fireplaces/Balcony in Suite
- Private climatation
- Cots
- Ecological Dispensers
- Water saving
- Radio and Alarm Clock
- Hair Dryer
- Tea, coffee and mineral water from 23:00 to 7:00 hrs
- Towel Heaters
- Foreign TV Channels
- TFT Plasma TV
- Ceiling Fans
- Voltage
- Free Wifi