
Map Hotel Hacienda Santiscal
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  • Hacienda El Santiscal | Entrance
  • Hacienda El Santiscal | Patio
  • Hacienda El Santiscal | Swimming Pool
  • Hacienda El Santiscal | Garden
  • Hacienda El Santiscal | Dining room
  • Hacienda El Santiscal | Buffet
  • Hacienda El Santiscal | Hall
  • Hacienda El Santiscal | Lounge
  • Hacienda El Santiscal | Winter Suite
  • Hacienda El Santiscal | Bathroom
  • Hacienda El Santiscal | Corridor
  • Hacienda El Santiscal | Snack bar
Restauración Hotel Hacienda El Santiscal

Hotel Hacienda El Santiscal | Restaurant

Our kitchen, as the hotel is family run by the owner being who has many years on the stove, not in vain has run a restaurant for 27 years in the city center.

The restaurant is exclusive to residents and offers a wide selection of Andalusian dishes, but with a unique Mediterranean touch, since the chef is of Egyptian origin.

Every morning for breakfast we offer different possibilities. The basic service is the Continental breakfast consisting of tea, cocoa or coffee, toast brown field (even for those who do not like this type of bread we also serve white bread), butter portioned, homemade jam different flavors, honey from the Sierra de Cadiz, Olvera olive oil, Home baked Croissants, Natural Homemade Yogurt with fruit and raisins, and orange juice from our garden.

For those who eat more is a letter to choose from Salmon Scrambled Eggs with Sausage, with Bacon or muffins with Iberian Ham and tomato, Omelettes to taste, or Iberian Cold Cuts, etc.

In some seasons, especially when there is high occupancy or groups, we usually offer a very complete buffet, which must be claimed at the time of booking the room.

Lunch and since spring, offers a lunch menu that has been called Light, consisting of simple dishes, fresh and easy to prepare that can be served on the terrace of the pool on an informal basis so that guests do not have to change your bathing suit. All this based on salads, gazpacho, Iberian ham, omelettes, scrambled eggs, ham sandwiches with bread camper, etc. This service is available from 13:00 h. until 16:00 pm and its price is explicit in the Charter does not require pre-booked.

At night, try to give a romantic touch to the dinner, which can be served both in the Dining Room (air conditioned), in the gazebo with a glass roof (of 2-8 people and by reservation) or only under offers our Andalusian central courtyard, surrounded by jasmine, bougainvillea, geraniums and pots, where they can see the stars and eat at the candlelight.

We from a Daily Menu consisting of 3 courses, mineral water and bread at a price of 18 € per person, "A la carte"

Menu consisting of three dishes to choose among the options offered (Appetizers, First, meat, fish and Desserts) where each according to his preferences, they can start their own menu without it vary the price, which is 25 €.

Also we offer special dishes for vegetarians (Cous Cous, Falafel, Hommos, etc. On request).

Dining Services for non-residents by reservation (only possible in a few days a week).

Telephone numbers:
INFORMATION AND RESERVATIONS: 956708313 to 616309310 or by mail Form

FOR FURTHER  INFORMATION AND REQUESTS CONTACT US: +34 956708313  - + 34 616309310 or by mail Form



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